Romans 9-11 are probably the trickiest and most mysterious chapters in Paul’s letter. In the space of just 3 ½ pages of our pew Bibles, Paul expresses his intense sorrow that most of his contemporary countrymen rejected Jesus, then plumbs the depths of God’s plan for salvation, his purpose in predestination, and the special calling he gave to Israel, as he searches for an explanation. Even he gets to the end of it all and praises God’s fathomless wisdom that no-one can grasp! (11:33-36)

All Scripture is given by God to build us up and equip us to serve him so, mindboggling though it is, we need to hear the message of this section of Romans. If we find this section difficult to understand with our minds, to accept with our hearts or to put into practice with our hands, we should remember that Paul’s big concern in this section is to show that God’s word has not failed (9:6). The promises of God we rely on, in life and death, are always, always trustworthy.



God’s promises are sure (even when we’re confused!)

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