Almost all of us need a help when life gets tough.

If you live in this parish, then this is your church, and we are here to come alongside you and help where we can, whatever situation life has thrown at you.

Pastoral Support

If some situation has arisen in your life (a bereavement, family conflict, a work situation, etc.) and you would like to talk to us, please get in touch through the church office.
We are not lawyers or social workers or police or a bank, but we do listen and we do pray; we rejoice with those who rejoice and we cry with those who are hurting and we sit with those who need the presence of someone to help them get through a difficult situation.


If you would like prayer, we have a prayer chain (a select group of people who receive pray requests), and we can also add your request to our public prayers. If you have something you would like prayer for, please contact the church office.

Live Events

If you have a significant event, like the birth of a child, a marriage, or a death, we can help you mark that event in the presence of God.

Barnabas Group for the Bereaved

We have a Barnabas Bereavement Support Group which meets on Wednesdays in the Church Centre. If you think this group is for you, please get in touch through the church office.

Myrtle Café

On Monday’s (not bank holidays) we run a café for those who are lonely or need moral or spiritual support in tough times.
The café runs from 12:00 noon until 2:00 pm. Lunch is available.

Relief in Need Charity

The Rector is a trustee for the Shaw cum Donnington Relief in Need Charity.