Baptism and Thanksgiving

Baptism is how someone formally joins the Christian Church.
We baptise adults as a declaration that they have chosen to follow Christ.
We baptise infants and children because their parents choose to bring them up in the Christian faith.

Baptism is a sign of being cleansed from your sin
Baptism is a statement of your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour
Baptism is a declaration of your intention to live as Christ wants you to live

Before being baptised, adults and the parents of children are invited to a Baptism Preparation session (usually about an hour, after a morning service); the Baptism itself usually takes place during the 10am Sunday Service a few weeks later.

A Thanksgiving Service is an opportunity to give thanks to God for the birth of a child, without making the promises that are part of the Baptism Service.
This may be appropriate after a difficult pregnancy or birth, or perhaps because you do not yet feel ready to bring your child to church for Baptism.
A Thanksgiving service is an opportunity both to thank God for your child, and to pray for all that will follow.


If you live in the parish, worship regularly with us, or have a close family connection with the parish, you can get married at St Mary’s.
(If you don’t life in the parish or worship regularly with us, please see the Church of England’s information on this.

A Christian Marriage is both a legal event and a covenant made before God.

We love weddings, and if you would like to have your wedding at Shaw Church, please get in touch with the Church Office.


If you have had a bereavement, and would like a Christian Funeral either at St Mary’s Church or the local Crematorium, please contact the Church Office and someone will be in touch.