Home Members

    Our Home Members are people who would come to church regularly if they were able to but for various reasons are not.

    We consider these people just as much a part of our church as every other member, and we arrange special events on an afternoon leading up to the major festivals of Christmas and Easter. If you are not already receiving and invitation and would like one, please contact the church office.

    Care Homes

    We have 5 care homes in the parish, and we visit each one most months to lead a service of Holy Communion for the residents. These services are appreciated by the residents, their relatives, and the staff at the care homes.

    We have a team of people who help with the leading of these services – if you’d like to be involved with this ministry, do talk to the Rector or the Curate about it.

    Lunch Club

    The Lunch Club meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month (except July and August). It is for retired people who live alone and would like to meet some new friends.
    We may be able to provide transport for anyone who is not otherwise able to come. If you are not already receiving an invitation and would like one, please contact the church office.