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We are the Church of England parish of St Mary’s Shaw cum Donnington – just to the north and east of Newbury.

Our purpose and focus is Knowing Jesus, Sharing God’s Love, Caring for People.
You can read more about it here.

We meet every Sunday at 10am, as well as at other times during the week.
Everyone is welcome to join us.

    Word for the Week

    • Do you feel lucky?
      Do you think you’re a lucky person? Some people think we make our own luck. Thomas Jefferson is often quoted as saying ‘the harder you work, the luckier you get’. ‘Luck’ on this view is just an excuse for lazy or incompetent people to explain their failures.
      Others disagree. No matter how hard you work, so much in life seems to come down to blind chance. There’s a terrible hypocrisy to a man who was born wealthy and owned slaves claiming that good fortune is all a question of hard work.
      Ruth 2 shows us another angle. She certainly works hard, but she also benefits from some good luck by happening across a field owned by one of Naomi’s relatives – and Boaz shows her such amazing generosity. But the characters all talk as though it is the Lord doing all this. Where might his hand be hidden in the ‘random’ events of our day-to-day experience?

    Shaw Church: What's On

    • Sunday 16 February
    • Tuesday 18 February
      2:30 pm
      Reminiscence Afternoon

      Share memories of times past. This time the theme is Spring.
      For further details, or to book transport, contact Libby on 01635 30719 or [email protected]

    • Wednesday 19 February
      10:00 am
      Barnabas Group