In the 2012 Olympic 100m final, Usain Bolt lined up in lane 7. “On your marks”, “Set”, the gun went off and 9.64 seconds later the race was won. Years of physical and mental training justified in just 10 seconds.

At school it was always “Ready”, “Steady”, “Go”, but the idea is the same. “Ready” to put yourself in the right place, “Steady” to focus body and mind.

Today is the beginning of Advent, the four Sundays before the great celebration of Jesus’ birth at Christmas: and it is a time for us to prepare. But how do we do that?

The world around will prepare by buying presents, sending cards, filling fridge and freezer, and planning time with family and ‘for me’. For us, who follow Jesus, it seems appropriate that our preparation should include something for the heart and for the soul.

How are you getting ready for Jesus?

‘Prepare the way for the Lord’ Matt 3:3, Isaiah 40:3



Ready, Steady…

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