It’s quite common for Christians to think that the Old Testament is less relevant to us than the New. Not only is it full of unfamiliar names and places from thousands of years ago, but many of its laws do not apply to us. Even the name ‘Old Testament’ might make us think it is less relevant.

For many of us, Paul’s perspective on the Old Testament might come as a surprise. While the Old Testament was, of course, given to God’s people in the time before Christ’s coming, there’s a sense in which Paul thinks now is the time it really comes into its own. ‘These things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come.’ 1 Cor 10:11 It’s as though everything that came before was just the preparation for now.

Seen like that, perhaps you could say the Old Testament is actually more relevant now than it ever has been.


Is the Old Testament relevant today?

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