In one of the Psalms, David makes this remarkable statement: ‘Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.’ (Psalm 63:3) How is God’s love better than life itself? Here are three ways I’ve been thinking about
Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord
Let’s sing a hymn. But which one? A modern song, or a traditional hymn; with the organ, a guitar, unaccompanied? And what about drums? The music is too loud, too quiet, too fast, too slow, a song we sing too
Standing on the right Foundation
Jesus told the familiar story of two builders – one building on sand, the other on rock. One had an easy time, the other had to work hard; but only one had a building fit for purpose. It’s a parable
Filled with the Spirit
When Peter was filled with the Spirit on that first day of Pentecost, some people thought he was drunk. He wasn’t – at least not in the way they thought, but whatever it was, people noticed. So what might we
An amazing privilege, a mission of praise
One of the first things the Bishop said at my ordination was taken from 1 Peter 2:9; ‘But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him
Knowing you belong to Christ
Paul Hiebert came up with an interesting idea: when you want to know what a Christian is, don’t define the boundary (are you Baptised, do you come to Church, do you pray), but define the direction (are you growing in
That they may be One
Why, when all logic says we’d all be better off if we worked together, do we quarrel and fight, wage war, steal, cheat and lie? We see the evidence all around us – from the war in Ukraine to party
What shall we do?
On the Alpha Course, they suggest 5 ways to know how God is guiding us (all cleverly packaged as the 5 CSs): Common Sense – How does your personal experience and knowledge lead you? Circumstantial Signs – Do things happening
Sometimes life gives you no choice: you have to, whether you want to or not. You don’t choose your parents, or whether it will rain on your birthday. But there are also times when you do get to choose. You
1 + 1 + 1 = 1
What is God? How do you even begun to think about that question? We sometimes use words like mystery and spirit, but they don’t really tell us anything, they just remind us of what we don’t know. And yet God