Sometimes life gives you no choice: you have to, whether you want to or not. You don’t choose your parents, or whether it will rain on your birthday. But there are also times when you do get to choose. You
1 + 1 + 1 = 1
What is God? How do you even begun to think about that question? We sometimes use words like mystery and spirit, but they don’t really tell us anything, they just remind us of what we don’t know. And yet God
For what shall we pray?
When Solomon was crowned king of Israel, God offered him a gift, he chose wisdom and God have him more than he asked for. When, 70 years ago, Elizabeth was crowned Queen, she promised to serve the people of this
Has he Gone?
Jesus left his disciples (left us all) and went back to heaven. Some people would like to think that was that. But that it wasn’t. (Come back next week to see what happened next!) Jesus came to the earth
Trees are beautiful
There used to be a fabulous Metasequoia Glyptostroboides at Rosemore, with its reddish bark twisting towards the sky. But they cut it down. I don’t know why. My favourite tree is the Acer Griseum – there’s one in our front
What shall we do?
How do you know what to do next? Sometimes it’s obvious because one thing leads on to another. Sometimes you get a nudge from someone and it seems good, so you do. But sometimes we need a vision to help
Whole of Life
Have you heard people talk about Work/Life balance? As if work isn’t part of life? As Christians, we might be tempted to talk about the Spiritual and non-Spiritual aspects of our lives. We’re being ‘spiritual’ when we worship in
Why do you believe?
“We believe …” we say when we recite the creed. But why do you believe these things? Some things we can prove, the evidence is overwhelming; but can you prove that someone loves you? And haven’t we all learned to
A vision
Martin Luther King had a dream – a dream that has taken some significant, if faltering, steps towards realisation. It was a vision he embraced with all his energy and worked tirelessly for, and in his last speech he said
He is risen
If you had to pick one of the great events of the Christian faith to be the greatest, which one would you choose? Might it be the Creation of the World? Without that, there would be no where for Christ