One of the most important things we learn in life, very often from our mothers, is discernment. Whether it’s not being too trusting of strangers when we’re little, or not falling for scams when we are grown up, it’s important
Good Gifts
In the 1880s, a wealthy father promises his young son a horse of his own for his 21st birthday. But when the day comes, instead of a horse, he gives him a motor car. Did he keep his promise, or not?
The Challenge of Anxiety
Almost everybody – apart from the very privileged – go through times when they worry about the future. But at present there do seem to be more reasons for anxiety than normal. The cost of living crisis shows no sign
Finding Valuable
I wonder what you consider to be valuable. Maybe you invested (or are investing) years of work to achieve something special, and the value comes from the cost in time or money. Maybe you have a valuable job or pension
Family values?
Most of us are profoundly shaped by our parents and their expectations for us. Alongside their expectations for our behaviour growing up, they also impart, sometimes more explicitly, sometimes more accidentally, a raft of assumptions about the kind of lifestyle
My law, Your law?
I read recently that one sign of a bright child is that the child will make up new rules for a game. Making up a new game or extending an existing game is one thing, but I’ve also seen children
Salty Light
Sitting down to eat, just before dusk, at the Beachcomber Café in Barton-on-Sea, we could see a light coming from the Isle of Wight. What was it? Why was it there? We don’t know for sure, but it looked like
There’s been some noise in the media recently about what it means to bless something. It is an expression of approval? Is it an affirmation of right-ness? Or is it simply bringing God into a situation with the expectation and
Corinthian Chaos and Christ’s Cross
Even a casual reading of 1st Corinthians quickly reveals that when Paul was writing, the church in Corinth was in a mess. Paul needs to address a wide variety of pastoral situations in the church, ranging from serious sexual immorality,
Who will you listen to?
On Wednesday’s Radio 4 Thought for the Day, Rhidian Brook was talking about who we are influenced by. He wanted to distance himself from the ‘influencers’ who crave fame and fortune by ‘being themselves’ on social media, and who are