Imagine being able to say “I was there at the beginning”. And perhaps you really can – because you were there, you helped shape something great.

But for many of us, we join after the beginning – as an apprentice, an employee, a volunteer, or even an heir. We join, we work, and hopefully take on and further the purpose of what we joined. Or not.

120 men and women in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost (possibly) 24th May AD33 found themselves at the beginning of something. But what was it that started that day? And does it matter if those who joined later carried on the original purpose? it’s still around today?

Here we are (maybe) 726,838 days later, looking back and – as with every other celebration in our annual cycle – we ask ourselves how events so long ago affect us today. Maybe they don’t. But maybe that non-descript room in Jerusalem (perhaps) 1990 years ago was where and when God began the last phase of Project Salvation: The Holy Spirit – who comes to fill and to fulfil; to live in us and to include us ‘in Christ’. I hope – I know – that purpose hasn’t changed, and it’s where I want to be.


When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit. Eph 1:13




Then and Now

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