One of the major themes of Advent is preparing ourselves for Jesus’ return. It’s a season of great hope, but for many people the whole idea has been a cause for anxiety. How can we look forward to Jesus returning
Is the Old Testament relevant today?
It’s quite common for Christians to think that the Old Testament is less relevant to us than the New. Not only is it full of unfamiliar names and places from thousands of years ago, but many of its laws do
Who do you say I am?
“Who do you say I am?” (Matt 16:15) this question, asked by Jesus in Caesarea Philippi, is one of the great questions everyone must wrestle with. And in the Gospels it’s Peter who seemingly gives the right answer “You are
The Bible’s Vision of Peace
Of all the visions of the future that the Bible gives us, few are more universally appealing than those that show the world at peace. ‘Prince of Peace’ is one of the best-known titles given to Jesus in the Bible
The Word on the Bible
Sometimes I meet people who say “the Bible isn’t the word of God, Jesus is the Word of God.” There’s a grain of truth to this view. The Bible itself calls Jesus the Word (John 1:1). And Jesus did teach
Blind faith?
So much of the Christian life revolves around faith. Faith is how we are brought into a right relationship with God. (Rom 4:5) Faith in Jesus is how we are given eternal life. (John 3:16) Faith underlies and empowers all
God’s dependable kindness
Around the world, and through the centuries, most cultures have celebrated the harvest. Countless different joyful festivals have delighted in the regular rhythms set into creation and acknowledged our dependence on them for the most basic necessity – our daily
In Memoriam HM Queen Elizabeth II
The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is a source of great sadness to us all. For longer than most of us have been alive she has been an example to us all of dignity, integrity and public faith.
Where does God draw the line?
“I could never become a Christian – after what I’ve done God must be finished with me.” I’ve met a few people who’ve said that to me over the years. Perhaps you have too, or maybe you’ve thought that about
Here we go again
It’s a well-worn cliché that history continually repeats itself. And it’s certainly true that from time to time things happen which seem surprisingly similar to events we learned about in history – though I’m sure we’ve all heard the word