Almost everybody – apart from the very privileged – go through times when they worry about the future. But at present there do seem to be more reasons for anxiety than normal. The cost of living crisis shows no sign of ending soon, and neither does the war in Ukraine. If anything, the international situation is getting more precarious as relations between China and America sour.

For many in our communities, the cost of living crisis is a severe trial and we should stand ready to help those in need. But while we must show compassion in helping others, Jesus’ teaching on anxiety in Matthew 6 also challenges us when we feel anxious. Times of trial and the anxiety they cause can reveal two things about us – who are we really trusting in and what are we really living for? Nobody enjoys trials, but if we receive them rightly, they can serve as an opportunity to refine our priorities and find peace in God’s fatherly care.


The Challenge of Anxiety

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