I wonder what you consider to be valuable.

Maybe you invested (or are investing) years of work to achieve something special, and the value comes from the cost in time or money.

Maybe you have a valuable job or pension and are set up to enjoy of the rest of your life. Or maybe you value the relationships – family and friends – who make life worth living: value in knowing you’re not alone: you love; you are loved.

And then I might ask about God. How does He fit into your world of value? Is He valuable because He made the world with all its exquisite beauty? Is He valuable because this world gives us what we need for life and wholeness (even though we’ve spoiled His fabulous design)? Or is He valuable because of your relationship with Him: you love Him; you know He loves you, and you know His love doesn’t end when we die.

Jesus said ‘Where your treasure is, there you heart will be also.’ (Mat 6:21).

Maybe my true treasure is where my heart leads me: what do I spend time and money on, where is my attention drawn.

So, what is valuable to you?




Finding Valuable

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