This Sunday we remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem riding a donkey’s foal. It has gone down as one of the iconic moments in demonstrating his humble approach to Kingship.

The Gospels record a very different scene just days before that entry to Jerusalem. Matthew 20:20-28 shows the disciples jockeying for position in Jesus’ Kingdom. It is an unedifying scene of self-promotion, pride, rivalry and indignation. It causes Jesus to outline the fundamental principle on which his view of kingship is based: Greatness lies not in power over others, but in service of them.

Jesus always practised what he preached, and so he also serves as the great example of this approach to greatness; ‘the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many’ (Matt 20:28) May Jesus’ astonishing service for us make us servants of one another.


The Servant King

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