With all the talk of global warming and net zero, not to mention the rising cost-of-living there is a strong imperative to turn off the lights. Lights use power. The new LEDs use much less than the old incandescent bulbs, but they still use power. Which costs money, and often generates CO2 which we’d rather it didn’t. I suppose I could say my Solar Panels give me free electricity, but they don’t do that at night.

I need light to do so many things. Light to read, light to find a dropped screw on the carpet, light to see who I’m talking to. Without light, the world would be dark.
It’s the same when we use light as a metaphor for understanding or the moral ideas of right and true: darkness is probably not what we want.

John says ‘God is light’ (1 John 1:5), meaning moral not visible light: God is true and good and perfect and untainted and untaintable. To try and ‘turn God off’ would be a disaster.

And as we read on in 1 John, we find the is a possibility – or perhaps the necessity

– that we can and should walk in that light.

But the best thing of all, is that God’s light is that it is offered to you at no cost and it’s completely carbon-neutral.

May the Light of Jesus shine into and out from your heart.



Don’t turn off the Light

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