Throughout our series in 1 John, we’ve been trying to answer the question ‘How can I know my relationship with God is real’. John wrote his letter to a church that was starting to worry about that question, describing for
Here is love vast as the ocean
Over the last few weeks, John has been showing us how we can know that our relationship with God is real. In this week’s passage, he addresses the most haunting question anyone can ask themselves: How can I know –
What is the Devil really up to?
If you go to the supermarket at the moment, it’s impossible not to notice that Halloween is approaching. Sweets, costumes and decorations devoted to all things spooky pack the shelves – vying for space only with the first of the
Real Abundance
In our Gospel reading today, Jesus tells a parable that begins with a man whose fields ‘yielded an abundant harvest’ (Luke 12:16). It’s a parable that speaks well to our times. Even in times of financial difficulty, our supermarkets contain
An old-new commandment
At the Last Supper, when Jesus said “A new command I give you: Love one another.” (John 13:34) the disciples might well have reacted with confusion. After all, ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ was one of the commandments God gave
Faith grounded in history
Have you ever asked yourself “How do I know that my relationship with God is real?” There are lots of reasons you might find yourself asking that – perhaps a difficult personal experience, or a particularly humbling failure, or a
The Joy of Jesus
Jesus is referred to in Scripture as “a man of sorrows” (Isaiah 53:3) and at times that can shape how we think of him. After all, many of the most precious and important moments in his life involved his mourning
Joy in trials
Every philosophy of life out there – from the ancient Greeks to TikTok influencers – is ultimately looking for the answer to the question “How can I be happy?” And one of the biggest obstacles any view of life faces
A Persecuted Prophet
During Lent this year, as we were studying the Sermon on the Mount, we heard Jesus’ words “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and
What do you have to boast about?
Boasting is not a habit many people find attractive. And yet most of us, if we’re honest, will have things about us that we’re proud of, that we think mark us out from other people, and that we secretly (or