Imagine being able to say “I was there at the beginning”. And perhaps you really can – because you were there, you helped shape something great. But for many of us, we join after the beginning – as an apprentice,
From groaning to glory
Earlier this week, Raymond and I were talking to some children about the creation story in Genesis 1. At its climax, God blesses the man and woman and says “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Gen
Send him victorious
Last weekend, people across the country and around the globe gathered around their TV screens to join those at Westminster Abbey in praying for the King. Our Psalm last week (Psalm 20) was also written as a prayer for King
Happily Ever After
The key to a good fairy tale, is “They all lived happily ever after.” We tell children this because we don’t want them to worry – however bad it gets, it will be alright in the end. Then we grow