In one of the Psalms, David makes this remarkable statement: ‘Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.’ (Psalm 63:3) How is God’s love better than life itself? Here are three ways I’ve been thinking about this week.

It is more reliable than life. Amid all the ups and downs of life, despite all the uncertainties, we can know that whatever happens, God’s love will be faithful.

It lasts longer than life. ‘His love endures forever’ is an anthem that comes up again and again in the Psalms. Throughout this life, through to resurrection life, God’s love never runs out.

It gives a joyful focus to life. David’s life revolves around experiencing God’s love and reflecting it back to him in praise. God’s love puts a focus, a goal and a joy at the centre of David’s life which more than any other thing, makes it worth living.


A love better than life

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