It was TS Eliot who said ‘The end is where we start from’. And so it is. To be alive is to see change and be a part of change. Whenever one thing ends, it is an opportunity for something new.

Of course, people (and by ‘people’, I mean me) often prefer to keep the comfortable things we are used to – the things we know and love. And yet, sometimes change is thrust upon us, and sometimes it comes from God.

And with God, change comes with something more. Good Friday is perhaps the most significant changed the world has ever seen: the death of Christ seemed like a tragedy until Easter Day, and we can only understand the first in the light of what followed. That’s often the way God works. When change comes, we can acknowledge the past and give thanks for all that was good, but without trying to live on in the past – instead, embracing the future because we look forward to a future with the perfect, glorious, redeeming, saving God, who loves us.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it spring up; do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 42:19



Do not dwell on the past

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