When there is a serious disaster, like a plane crash or a pandemic, we often demand to know what went wrong – so we can avoid it happening again. It’s made many things better: safer air travel, more successful medicine,
Even more compassion than a mother
Here in the UK, the fourth Sunday in Lent is traditionally a time to remember – and give thanks for – mothers. Scripture teaches us to honour our mothers and to remember how much their care and provision shapes our
How much faith?
“Increase our faith” the disciples asked (Luke 17:5). I wonder what they were expecting? A transformative parable or some secret knowledge? Or were they expecting Jesus to just zap them with a suffusion or infusion of faith? Maybe you’ve found
Plot Twist!
Some of the most iconic moments in cinema history involve an unexpected plot twist. Done well, it can be the making of a film. Apparently, the Empire Strikes Back’s “No, Luke, I am your father!” was such a closely guarded
Problems and Solutions
It has been said that (and as with many things, it might be true, it might be not – but even if it’s not, it’s still quite plausible), when the Times Newspaper wrote to some notable people asking them ‘What
What is the Gospel for?
Most of us have household objects that we use for something different to the thing they were made for. Perhaps it’s a straightened-out paper clip we use to press hard to reach buttons, or a book that’s acting as a
It must have seemed quite ordinary when a man and a woman brought their infant to present him to the LORD. The temple may not have seen this every day, but it can’t have been uncommon either. It was law,
What do we want God to do?
Sometimes, when we look at the state of the world, or think about something that’s going on in our community, we find ourselves asking “Why on earth doesn’t God do something?” It’s a question that’s asked many times, by many
When Isaiah was called by God, it began with a vision of The LORD on the throne. It was something awe-full. Isaiah was brought first into the presence of God, where he recognised and was purged of his sin, and
Everyone’s Invited!
Last week, in Isaiah 55, we saw that God is making an open invitation to come and find satisfaction in him. This week, God addresses two groups who may have been tempted to think that this invitation doesn’t apply to