Have you read (or watched Ridley Scott’s film version of) Andy Weir’s “The Martian”? It’s Science Fiction, of course, but it is also a study in crisis decision making. Of all the things going on, what is the most important thing to do now? The hero, Mark Watney, doesn’t get suffocated by the indecision we often experience when there is far too much to do than there is time or energy to accomplish; instead he solves problem after problem, always focused on what actually needs to be done. And in true Hollywood-style, he succeeds.

Of course, things work in novels much more easily than in real life, but the principle of focusing on what is important is something we need to take seriously. But what is important?

Jesus challenged his disciples about their commitment, and it is Peter (of course) who replies: “Lord, to whom should we go. You have the words of eternal life.” John 6:68.

In all the busyness and stress of today, the eternal life can seem distant and deferrable – something we can safely put off until tomorrow.

But Jesus doesn’t say that eternal life starts after we die – “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10.



Deciding to Live