When Isaiah was called by God, it began with a vision of The LORD on the throne. It was something awe-full.

Isaiah was brought first into the presence of God, where he recognised and was purged of his sin, and then God asked a simple question.

As we gather in church Sunday by Sunday, do we ever sense the awe of what it means to be in the presence of Almighty God? And if we do, and then realise that we brought sinfulness into a Holy Place, do we stop and wonder at the way our sin is taken away as the minister pronounces us forgiven?

‘God with us’ also means us with God, but it is God’s initiative rather than ours.

And Jesus’ death on a cross, means our sin is removed from God’s presence – but without removing us.

So what about the question? Does it still linger in the air for us to hear? And if it does, how shall we respond?


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said “Here am I, Send me!” Isaiah 6:8




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