A holiday was originally a Holy Day – a day without work so our attention would be on God. Today, holidays seem more about ‘me’. Have we missed something?

Our Awayday is a not quite like a holiday. I hope it will be Holy, but I hope it will also be a time to get away from the comfort and familiarity of St Mary’s Church, without getting away from the family we are as Shaw Church.

The idea of being ‘Away’ is to help us think about who we are and what we’re doing in a place and with the space to focus on God’s call to us, setting aside (for a moment, at least) things that are urgent or nagging at home.

If you’re not able to come to the Away Day, please don’t feel you are less a part of Shaw Church. Family is family. Pray for us as we pray and work together.

If you are able to come (even if you haven’t signed up, you are still welcome!), please come with a heart ready to listen to God, and to each other, as we ask the question ‘How can I help?’


You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, … that you may declare the praises of him who called you …. 1 Peter 2:9



Away Holy Day

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