Do you ever wish God would tell you more about the future? We believe he has a plan, even if we sometimes wish he’d reveal a bit more of it.

But what about the plan God has revealed? How much do we know of that? How far does it transform our lives, attitudes and priorities?

Of how God chose Abram (and named him Abraham); of Isaac and Jacob (who he renamed Israel); of the People of Israel becoming the Nation of Israel under King David (a man after God’s own heart). Old Testament stuff. Old Covenant.

Of the Messiah – Jesus Christ – who came to… well, who came to what? What is the New Testament revealing? What is the New Covenant?

If you turn to Isaiah 49, you find that God says of Jesus that “It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob … I will also make you a light for the Gentiles.”

Jesus is so great, and God’s plan so wide, that Israel alone is not enough: God’s embraces the whole world. And that means me. And you.

God is almighty but not distant; He is holy, and offers forgiveness of my unholiness; He is powerful, but uses how power not to destroy, but to save.

“In [Jesus Christ], and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.”

God’s Plan

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