World Partners

World Partners is a sub-committee of the PCC which develops links with charities beyond our parish.

Our vision is, in response to God’s love for the world, to:

Promote awareness and engage prayerful support in the church for a range of chosen charities and enable the church, as God’s steward, to alleviate need and support justice in the world beyond St Mary’s, including our environmental responsibilities.


These are the key charities we support

Bible Society

Bible Society is a charity on a global mission to bring the Bible to life for every man, woman and child. We believe that when people engage with the Bible, lives can change – for good.

We remember Bible Sunday each year towards the end of October.


Fairtrade is a simple way to make a difference to the lives of the people who grow the things we love. They do this by making trade fair.

Fairtrade fortnight is usually around the end of February.

Christian Aid

Christian Aid exists to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.

Christian Aid week usually the 2nd week of May.

The Environment

Count on Nature

Count on Nature is organised by the Church of England and Wales, A Rocha and Caring for God’s Acre.
We do a wildlife count in the churchyard during Love Your Burial Ground Week.

Climate Emergency

In August 2021, the PCC made the following resolution:

On the basis that:

  • The world is facing a severe crisis of environmental degradation and climate change;
  • The main cause of the crisis is human activity;
  • The crisis is inextricably linked to global injustices and inequality;
  • The crisis indicates a failure of human beings to follow God’s mandate to care for the world and to seek justice among its peoples;

We, the PCC of St Mary’s Church, Shaw-cum-Donnington, Newbury want to publicly recognise a Climate and Environmental Emergency, and commit ourselves to:

  • Work within our church to improve our environmental impact and move towards raising our Bronze Level Eco Church Award to Silver;
  • Encourage our members to make relevant lifestyle changes appropriate to their circumstances;
  • Testify to the climate emergency and encourage action in our neighbourhoods, workplaces and other spheres of activity;
  • Use whatever influence we may have to bring about positive actions by local and national government and by corporations;
  • Strive to fulfil our calling to care for God’s creation.