Access to the Church

We want everyone to be able to come to the church building, on this page you’ll find some details of what is currently in place and what we are looking to do to improve access to the church buildings.


There are disabled parking spaces at the entrance to the carpark entrance. From there, it is about 20m to the Lychgate.

Getting to the door

There are two routes from the carpark to the church entrance:

If you can manage two steps, the shortest route it is through the Lychgate, up the path, round to the right to the South Door.

We are looking to put some additional hand-rails by the steps to make this route easier.

Wheelchair access is through the gateway in the wall to the left of the Lychgate (20m), and along the path (which is clearly seen against the surrounding grass), past the War Memorial, turn right towards the church (30m), then, after you pass the lychgate, turn left to get to the South Door.

We are looking to put some lighting along the path for better low-light accessibility.

The West Door is rarely used (except for weddings) partly because it has 5 steep steps, and partly because it means going through the bell tower where the bell ringers stand. We are happy to open this door for you if you need it. Just ask the church warden or steward on duty (or call us in advance).
There are some sturdy rails on each side of the steps to the West Door.

Entering the Church Building

There are 2 sets of 2 steps to get into the church.
We have moveable metal ramps (which are firm and don’t slip, and live in the porch when not in use) which we willingly put out whenever someone needs to use them.

Main part of the Church

The nave is all on one level, with a wide aisle.
If you use a wheelchair, you can either sit in it in the aisle, or move into the pew and keep your wheel chair next to you.

For Holy Communion, if you are unable to come forward to the Communion Rail, the minister will bring the bread and wine to you in your pew – just let the steward know.

Choir stalls and Chancel

There is a step to get into the Chancel where the choir stalls are (and where the choir usually sit).