Has the world changed? I watched Prime Minister’s Questions Time this week – the sides have swapped, some faces have moved, but how different was it from a year ago? But there is a difference, a change – even if commentators disagree on whether it will be better or not.
Did the world change on Tuesday with Mr Trump’s decisive victory? Quite possibly.
The world did change on 7th October 2023, when Hamas precipitated what the BBC now headlines Israel-Gaza war.
The world changed on 24th February 2022, when Russia began the BBC’s War in Ukraine.
And on 11th September 2001, when an innovative but unholy weapon was first unleashed: the airliner.
Memory is fading of 1st September 1939, when Germany invading Poland began untold horrors and tragedies that still affect, if not shape, our world. And the Great War before it was arguably worse. Can we afford to forget?
No one wants war (they say), but let my actions speak louder.
There was another war that changed the world – fought quietly on a hill outside Jerusalem, by a man alone, dying, on a cross. He gave himself – a sacrifice. For us.
As we remember and honour sacrifices past, it is our privilege to give the sacrifices meaning through how we live today and tomorrow.
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