“These are the Good-Old-Days – just wait and see.” (Wait, by Steve Turner). These days we mostly seem to reflect on how bad things are now, and how no-one is really getting to grips with the problems, and how much worse things will get. Maybe a new government will be a new broom, making a new start, with a new realism to bring a (brave) new world. But will it? Can it? Or might today really become the time we look back on and muse ‘if only it could be like that again’?

But what if there was a way to fundamentally unpick the tendency for things to get worse? What if I could undo it all and start again? What if it just needed a word from the right person, and the right response from me? Would I want it? Would I do it? Or am I comfortable where I am, comfortable as I am? “It’s time for change”, they say. I agree. But do I really want to?

“Come, follow me,” he said. “Get up, pick up your mat,” he said.

Is that too radical? Isn’t there another way?

“Take heart,” he said, “I have overcome the world.” (Jn16:33)

And there’s a problem that goes with it: walk with Him and the Good New Days are ahead.


Good Days