Sometimes we think of ‘the saints’ as the list of people the (Roman Catholic) church has canonised as Saints – Saint Peter, Saint Paul, and an increasing number of others. But I think we all recognise that these ‘official’ Saints
The Word on the Bible
Sometimes I meet people who say “the Bible isn’t the word of God, Jesus is the Word of God.” There’s a grain of truth to this view. The Bible itself calls Jesus the Word (John 1:1). And Jesus did teach
– Preach, vt.
Some of Jesus’ last words to his disciples before he ascended into heaven were that repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached to all nations. (Lk24:47) But what is special about preaching repentance as opposed to proclaiming it
– God is …
God is what? How could we fill in the blank? In a way, the answer depends on what question we’re trying to answer, so we might use one of those ‘big’ words about God: Almighty, Creator, Holy; or we might